Sunday, July 24, 2016

SQL Server Brain Basher of the Week #048 - Dropping Clustered Index

SQL Server mainly maintains two structures for tables: Heap and Clustered. If there is no clustered index created with the table, table is with Heap Structure else it will be with Clustered structure.

Once the Clustered Index is created, SQL Server organizes data in a form of B-Tree and data pages related to the table will be held with the last level which is called as Leaf Level. Since the Clustered Index uses data pages, it is not possible to have another Clustered Index in the same table. Now the question is;

What will happen when the Clustered Index is dropped?

Many think that it is not possible because it holds data pages related to the table. But it is possible. If you drop the index, it goes back to the Heap and table will be maintained in the Heap. Here is a code that shows it;

  1. -- creating a test table  
  2. CREATE TABLE dbo.TestTable  
  3. (  
  4.  TestTableId int index ix_TestTable_Id clustered  
  5.  , TestTableValue1 varchar(100) not null  
  6.  , TestTableValue2 char(5) not null index ix_TestTable_Value2 nonclustered  
  7. );  
  8. GO  
  10. -- Inserting test records  
  11. INSERT INTO dbo.TestTable   
  12. VALUES   
  13. (1, 'Hello world''ABC01')  
  14. , (2, 'Hi''ABC02')  
  16. -- Checks indexes availeble  
  17. SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), OBJECT_ID('dbo.TestTable'), NULLNULL'DETAILED');  

  1. -- Dropping the clustered index  
  2. DROP INDEX ix_TestTable_Id ON dbo.TestTable;  
  4. -- Checking the indexes and data after dropping   
  5. SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), OBJECT_ID('dbo.TestTable'), NULLNULL'DETAILED');  
  6. SELECT * FROM dbo.TestTable;  

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