Once I published the code I used for creating date dimension tables and populating data. But it had not handled finance year related date elements. Generally we handle financial year elements with Date Table with Star Schema not with Snowflake Schema. And in most cases (or old days), we usually use OLAP Data Warehouse as the source for reporting and Analysis Services can easily handle financial dates with Start Schema implemented in the Relational Data Warehouse. However, in modern world, we try to make the solution just using the Relation Data Warehouse without using Multi-dimensional models (or using Tabular Models), thought make a another script for handling financial dates with Snowflake Schema.
With this script, four tables are created: Year, Quarter, Month and Date. If need to see elements related to the financial year, the link between Year and Quarter should be set with Year.YearKey and Quarter.FinancialYearKey. For calendar date elements, the link should be between Year.YearKey and Quarter.YearKey.
This is how you make a search for financial dates;
This is how you make a search for Calendar dates;
Here is the script for creating tables;
- CREATE TABLE dbo.DimYear
- (
- YearKey smallint
- , Year smallint not null
- , Constraint pk_DimYear Primary Key (YearKey)
- );
- GO
- CREATE TABLE dbo.DimQuarter
- (
- QuarterKey smallint
- , YearKey smallint not null
- , FinancialYearKey smallint not null
- , Quarter smallint not null
- , YearQuater varchar(20) not null
- , QuarterName varchar(20) not null
- , FinancialQuarter smallint not null
- , FinancialYearQuarter varchar(20) not null
- , Constraint pk_DimQuarter Primary Key (QuarterKey)
- , Constraint fk_DimQuarter_DimYear Foreign Key (YearKey)
- References dbo.DimYear (YearKey)
- , Constraint fk_DimQuarter_DimYear_Financial Foreign Key (FinancialYearKey)
- References dbo.DimYear (YearKey)
- );
- GO
- CREATE TABLE dbo.DimMonth
- (
- MonthKey int
- , QuarterKey smallint not null
- , MonthNumber smallint not null
- , MonthName varchar(20) not null
- , YearMonth varchar(20) not null
- , MonthShortName char(3) not null
- , FinancialMonthNumber smallint not null
- , Constraint pk_DimMonth Primary Key (MonthKey)
- , Constraint fk_DimMonth_DimQuarter Foreign Key (QuarterKey)
- References dbo.DimQuarter (QuarterKey)
- );
- GO
- CREATE TABLE dbo.DimDate
- (
- DateKey int
- , MonthKey int not null
- , Date date not null
- , WeekDayNumber smallint not null
- , WeekDayName varchar(20) not null
- , DayOfMonth smallint not null
- , DayOfYear smallint not null
- , IsWeekend bit not null
- , IsHoliday bit not null
- , WeekNumberOfYear smallint not null
- , Constraint pk_DimDate Primary Key (DateKey)
- , Constraint fk_DimDate_DimMonth Foreign Key (MonthKey)
- References dbo.DimMonth (MonthKey)
- );
- GO
Here is the script for populating dates;
- DECLARE @StartDate date = '1990-01-01';
- DECLARE @EndDate date = '2019-12-31';
- DECLARE @FinancialYearStartingQuarter smallint = 3; -- Starting from July, If it starts from April then 2
- DECLARE @YearKey smallint;
- DECLARE @Quarter smallint, @QuarterKey smallint;
- DECLARE @Month int, @MonthKey int;
- DECLARE @Date int, @DateKey int;
- DECLARE @FinancialStartingMonth smallint;
- SET @FinancialStartingMonth = CASE @FinancialYearStartingQuarter WHEN 1 THEN 1 WHEN 2 THEN 4 WHEN 3 THEN 7 WHEN 4 THEN 10 END
- INSERT INTO dbo.DimYear
- (YearKey, [Year])
- (YEAR(@StartDate) - 1, YEAR(@StartDate) - 1);
- WHILE (@StartDate <= @EndDate)
- -- Inserting years
- SET @YearKey = YEAR(@StartDate);
- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.DimYear WHERE YearKey = @YearKey)
- INSERT INTO dbo.DimYear (YearKey, [Year])
- (@YearKey, @YearKey);
- -- Inserting quarters
- SET @QuarterKey = Convert(smallint, Convert(varchar(4), YEAR(@StartDate)) + Convert(varchar(1), DATEPART(q, @StartDate)))
- SET @Quarter = DATEPART(q, @StartDate);
- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.DimQuarter WHERE QuarterKey = @QuarterKey)
- INSERT INTO dbo.DimQuarter
- (QuarterKey, YearKey
- , FinancialYearKey
- , [Quarter], YearQuater, QuarterName
- , FinancialQuarter, FinancialYearQuarter)
- VALUES (@QuarterKey, @YearKey
- , CASE WHEN @Quarter < @FinancialYearStartingQuarter THEN @YearKey -1 ELSE @YearKey END
- , @Quarter, Convert(varchar(4), YEAR(@StartDate)) + 'Q' + Convert(varchar(4), @Quarter)
- , CASE @Quarter WHEN 1 THEN 'First Quarter' WHEN 2 THEN 'Second Quarter' WHEN 3 THEN 'Third Quarter' ELSE 'Forth Quarter' END
- , CASE @Quarter WHEN 1 THEN Convert(varchar(4), YEAR(@StartDate) - 1) + 'Q3'
- WHEN 2 THEN Convert(varchar(4), YEAR(@StartDate) - 1) + 'Q4'
- WHEN 3 THEN Convert(varchar(4), YEAR(@StartDate)) + 'Q1'
- WHEN 4 THEN Convert(varchar(4), YEAR(@StartDate)) + 'Q2'END
- );
- ---- Inserting months
- SET @MonthKey = Convert(int, Convert(varchar(4), YEAR(@StartDate)) + (CASE LEN(MONTH(@StartDate)) WHEN 1 THEN '0' ELSE '' END) + Convert(varchar(2), MONTH(@StartDate)));
- SET @Month = MONTH(@StartDate)
- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.DimMonth WHERE MonthKey = @MonthKey)
- INSERT INTO dbo.DimMonth
- (MonthKey, QuarterKey, MonthNumber, MonthName, YearMonth, MonthShortName
- , FinancialMonthNumber)
- (@MonthKey, @QuarterKey, @Month, DATENAME(MONTH, @StartDate)
- , Convert(varchar(4), YEAR(@StartDate)) + ' ' + LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH, @StartDate), 3)
- , LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH, @StartDate), 3)
- , CASE
- WHEN @FinancialStartingMonth = 1 THEN @Month
- WHEN @FinancialStartingMonth = 4 AND @Month < @FinancialStartingMonth THEN @Month + 9
- WHEN @FinancialStartingMonth = 4 AND @Month >= @FinancialStartingMonth THEN @Month - 3
- WHEN @FinancialStartingMonth = 7 AND @Month < @FinancialStartingMonth THEN @Month + 6
- WHEN @FinancialStartingMonth = 7 AND @Month >= @FinancialStartingMonth THEN @Month - 6
- WHEN @FinancialStartingMonth = 10 AND @Month < @FinancialStartingMonth THEN @Month + 6
- WHEN @FinancialStartingMonth = 10 AND @Month >= @FinancialStartingMonth THEN @Month + 3
- );
- ---- Inserting dates
- SET @DateKey = Convert(int, Convert(varchar(8), @StartDate, 112))
- IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.DimDate WHERE DateKey = @DateKey)
- INSERT INTO dbo.DimDate (DateKey, MonthKey, Date, WeekDayNumber, WeekDayName, DayOfMonth
- , DayOfYear, IsWeekend, IsHoliday, WeekNumberOfYear)
- VALUES (@DateKey, @MonthKey, @StartDate, DatePart(WEEKDAY, @StartDate), DateName(WEEKDAY, @StartDate), DatePart(DAY, @StartDate)
- , DatePart(DAYOFYEAR, @StartDate), CASE WHEN DatePart(WEEKDAY, @StartDate) IN (6, 7) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, 0
- , DatePart(WEEK, @StartDate));
- SET @StartDate = DATEADD(dd, 1, @StartDate);
- END;
- GO
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