Wednesday, August 2, 2017

How to reset IDENTITY in Memory-Optimized Tables

Even though SEQUENCE object is available with much more flexibility, we still use IDENTITY property for adding sequence values to tables, specifically when we need to introduce a surrogate key. However, if you need the same with Memory-Optimized tables, you need to know certain things.

Can I add the IDENTITY property to Memory-Optimized tables?
Yes, it is possible but it should be always IDENTITY(1,1). You cannot use a different values for seed and increment, they should be always set as 1.

CREATE TABLE dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable
 Id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL primary key nonclustered,
 CurrentDate datetime NULL default (getdate())

INSERT INTO dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable (CurrentDate) VALUES (DEFAULT);
GO 5

Can I reset the IDENTITY seed using DBCC CHECKIDENT?
No, this is not supported. If you need to reset the IDENTITY seed, only way is inserting a new value explicitly by turning SET IDENTITY_INSERT on. As shown in the example, once the record with value 100 is inserted, the next value of the seed is set to 100+1.

SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable ON
INSERT INTO dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable (Id, CurrentDate) VALUES (100, DEFAULT);
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable OFF

INSERT INTO dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable (CurrentDate) VALUES (DEFAULT);

SELECT * FROM dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable;

What if insert a lower value explicitly?
It is possible as long as it does not violate any rules. Look at the code below. It inserts a record with value 50 explicitly. But it does not mean that the seed is getting reset to 50+1. This does not happen because the last generated value is greater than 50+1. Therefore, the value of next record is 102, not 51.

SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable ON
INSERT INTO dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable (Id, CurrentDate) VALUES (50, DEFAULT);
SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable OFF

INSERT INTO dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable (CurrentDate) VALUES (DEFAULT);

SELECT * FROM dbo.MemoryOptimizedTable;

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