Saturday, May 20, 2017

Management Studio has new DAX Query Window

We have been writing DAX queries using MDX Query Editor whenever we need to do something with Analysis Services Tabular Model databases (Read my old post on this: How to write SELECT for Analysis Services Tabular using DAX). Now, with this month Management Studio release (release number 17.0), we have a new Query Window for DAX.

Once the new release is installed, you should see the icon and menu item for DAX Query Window;

Writing DAX Queries

Here is an example of DAX queries that can be written. As you see, first statement uses SUMMERIZE function to produce a result that shows sales by day of the week and product. Second query creates a measure using DEFINE MEASURE and uses it again with another query.

SUMMARIZE(Sales_201501, Sales_201501[CalendarDayOfWeekLabel]
 , Sales_201501[ProductName]
 , "Sales", SUM(Sales_201501[SalesAmount]))


DEFINE MEASURE Sales_201501[NewSales] = SUMX(FILTER(Sales_201501, Sales_201501[IsWorkDay]="WeekEnd")
          , Sales_201501[SalesAmount])
SUMMARIZE(Sales_201501, Sales_201501[CalendarDayOfWeekLabel]
 , Sales_201501[ProductName]
 , "Sales", Sales_201501[NewSales])

Here is the result of it;

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