Sunday, December 18, 2016

Moving a table with millions of records to another within a second - SQL Server Brain Basher of the Week #061

This is a very common Interview Question and many come with different solutions but most forget some easy ways of doing it. Sometime we need to move data from one table to another (Note that not copying) but depend on the method we use and the number of records, it will take few seconds to many hours. 

However if the structure of the second table is same as first and need to move all records, then what is the best way?

Here is the solution. I have a table called dbo.InternetSales and it has 6 millions records. Let's see how long it takes to move the entire record set from this table to a table called dbo.InternetSales2 that has the same structure.

See the below code;

SELECT COUNT(*) InternetSalesCount FROM dbo.InternetSales;
SELECT COUNT(*) InternetSales2Count FROM dbo.InternetSales2;

ALTER TABLE dbo.InternetSales SWITCH TO dbo.InternetSales2;

SELECT COUNT(*) InternetSalesCount FROM dbo.InternetSales;
SELECT COUNT(*) InternetSales2Count FROM dbo.InternetSales2;

As you see, all records have been transferred from first table to second table within a second :).

How do we do it? This is actually called as Partition Switching. Read more on this with post: Fact Loading: Switching a loaded temporary table into an empty partition of the fact table

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