Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Analysis Services Tabular Model Workspace Database Retention: Why it is important?

When creating a Tabular Data Model project, it creates a workspace database in Analysis Services Tabular Instance for maintaining all the data and metadata while it is being developed. This database is an in-memory database and with default setting, it gets dropped from the instance when the project is closed. However this default setting can be changed by setting workspace database retention property, adjusting the behavior of the workspace database. That is why it is important.

Be default, workspace retention is set to Unload from memory. When creating a project, it creates a database in the disk (default location of SSAS instance) as well as a database in-memory using the SSAS Tabular instance. Name of the database is created as ProjectName_UserName_GUID

Here is the default setting. See the default setting.

Database created in the disk;

Database created in the SSAS Tabular instance;

With this setting, when the project is closed, in-memory database in the instance is removed. But the database in the disk remains and it is used for creating the in-memory database when the project is opening again. Below image shows the instance once the project is close. Note that in-memory database is dropped.

This setting frees up memory allowing system to use memory for other applications but this might slow down re-opening project as it has to build the database again.

If need, you can keep it in the memory without getting it dropped. This is useful if you continuously working with the project. However, be cautious, it does holds the memory consumed without releasing.

If you rarely open the project (usually, after completion of the development), it is better to set workspace retention to Delete workspace as it deletes the database completely. 

Local or remote workspace database?
If possible, developer should use a local instance for the workspace database because it provides the best performance. However remote server can also be used with following limitations;
  • Project cannot be created by importing from PowerPivot template.
  • No Backup to disk option with Data Backup property.
  • Slower performance because of the latency.

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