Friday, October 9, 2015

Types of Database End Users

There are distinct types of people who engage with database management system and End Users are well known. However, when referring End Users, does it represent all people work with DBMS or just business users?

Theoretically, there are four types of people involve with databases and database management systems; Database Administrators, Database Designers, Application Developers and End Users. This means, we are not part of End Users group and they work with databases differently.

image taken from:

There are mainly two types of End Users;
  • Naïve users
    These users have no clue on database management systems and do not know how to access database or how to make requests from database directly. Naïve users typically access the database through given GUIs that has readable menu items for opening windows forms or web pages to interact with data. Relevant example for this is, bank executive opens the interface given for entering customer information.
  • Sophisticated users
    This group represents people who know about the structure defined in the database for some extent. They have skills for accessing the database directly (or through another interface that requires database and SQL knowledge to use) and they make direct requests to the database for getting required data down. Most smart business users and data stewards are fallen into this group. When considering modern database implementations, sophisticated users do not access the core database unless there are specific objects (like Views) created specifically for them, but they access via configured databases such as reporting databases, relational and OLAP data warehouses or data models such as Microsoft Multi-dimensional models, tabular models and models designed with Excel+Power Pivot.

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