Monday, May 11, 2015

I want an execution plan optimized for my value, not for the value passed for parameters with first execution.

Since I got few questions on the posts written on stored procedure in last two weeks, thought to make few more posts on the same based on questions asked. One question asked was Can we make sure that the stored procedure is optimized for one range of values, not for exceptions. If we need to get the stored procedure optimized for one set of values, then instruction has to be passed during the creation. We should only do this if we know that there are different best plans for different values.

I have written a post called How to determine whether RECOMPILE is required? If so, at the creation or execution? and it shows the way of seeing whether different best plans are exist for different values. Have a look on it if you want to know the way.

Let's see how we can optimize a procedure for our values, not for values passed with first execution. Below code creates a stored procedure, an index on OrderDate

-- Clearing the cache  
USE AdventureWorks2014;  
-- Drop if it is exist  
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.GetOrderDetails', 'P') IS NOT NULL  
 DROP PROC dbo.GetOrderDetails;  
-- Create the procedure  
CREATE PROC dbo.GetOrderDetails @FromDate datetime, @ToDate datetime  
    SELECT h.* 
 FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader h
 WHERE h.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate
 ORDER BY h.OrderDate

-- Create an index on OrderDate
CREATE INDEX IX_SalesOrderHeader_OrderDate ON Sales.SalesOrderHeader (OrderDate DESC)

Nest code executes the stored procedure with three different values. As you see, WITH RECOMPILE has been added to see whether same plan or different plans are used for the execution.

EXEC dbo.GetOrderDetails '2014-06-29T00:00:00', '2014-06-30T00:00:00' WITH RECOMPILE;  
EXEC dbo.GetOrderDetails '2014-06-26T00:00:00', '2014-06-30T00:00:00' WITH RECOMPILE;  
EXEC dbo.GetOrderDetails '2014-06-01T00:00:00', '2014-06-30T00:00:00' WITH RECOMPILE;  

Here are the plans generated.

As you see, plan is same for first two executions, and a different plan is for third execution. The reason for this is, first and second one try to get orders within few number of days and third one is for many days, hence newly added index is used for first and second one with seek operation and clustered index is used for third one with scanning

Assume that most requests made on this procedure are based on small number of days and we need to optimize it for small number of days. If so, we need to alter the procedure instructing that create a plan optimized for a sample range that contains small number of days. If we do not do it and the first execution is based on large number of days, plan will be created for it and the consecutive executions will use the plan created even for small number of days which is not the optimized plan for them.

Okay, how can we instruct then? Here is the way.

-- Alter the procedure  
ALTER PROC dbo.GetOrderDetails @FromDate datetime, @ToDate datetime  
    SELECT h.* 
 FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader h
 WHERE h.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate
 ORDER BY h.OrderDate
 OPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR (@FromDate = '2014-06-29T00:00:00', @ToDate = '2014-06-30T00:00:00'))

-- Execute with a large range and see
EXEC dbo.GetOrderDetails '2014-01-01T00:00:00', '2014-06-30T00:00:00';  

Here is the plan;

I have used OPTIMIZE FOR hint by passing two values for parameters. Note that values are set for a small range and this instructs engine to create the plan based on these values without considering the values submitted with executions. As you see, when the procedure is executed even with a wide range, still engine uses the plan optimized for small range.

Read more on this hint at:

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