Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What is LRU (Last Recent Used) algorithm?

The LRU, or Last Recent Used algorithm determines the data pages to be dropped from the cache when Data Cache section, which is the largest part of the Buffer Pool needs space.

Data Cache section is used for caching database data pages. In order to satisfy users’ requests, SQL Server loads data pages to this section and then fulfills the requirements such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. No modifications are performed on the data files directly. Once pages are cached, other than the initial request, other requests are satisfied using cached pages too.

In addition to Data Cache section, Buffer Pool comprises two more sections; Free Pages and Stolen Pages. First section contains pages that are not used yet and are kept to handle new requests. Second section is for pages that are used by other SQL Server components.

The LRU policy determines the timeframe for data pages to be stayed in the Data Cache after they have been flushed to the disk by Checkpoint process. The process that drops pages from the cache is called as Lazy Writer. The determination of dropping pages are done based on a counter maintained on the page header, that is decreased if the page has not been scanned for a while. Pages with lowest counter are always dropped by Lazy Writer.

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