Saturday, August 24, 2013


DBCC IND command is one of the important commands used when indexes are analyzed. Specifically this can be used for seeing the linkage between pages associated with a given table. It requires three parameters;

DBCC IND ( {‘db_name’ | ‘db_id’}, {‘table_name’ | ‘table_id’}, {‘index_name’ | ‘index_id’ | –1}

  • db_name | ‘db_id – requires database name or id. If 0 or ‘’ passed, current database will be used.
  • table_name | table_id – requires table name or object id of the table.
  • index_name | index_id | –1 – requires index id of the table. If –1 is used, result is generated for all the indexes.

Here is brief on output of IND command.

PageFID File number where the page is located
PagePID Page number for the page
IAMFID File ID where the IAM page is located
IAMPID Page ID for the page in the data file
ObjectID Object ID for the associated table
IndexID Index ID associated with the heap or index
PartitionNumber Partition number for the heap or index
PartitionID Partition ID for the heap or index

he type of IAM chain the extent is used for. Values can be in-row data, LOB data, and
overflow data.

PageType Number identifying the page type;

1 - Data page
2 - Index page
3 - Large object page
4 - Large object page
8 - Global Allocation Map page
9 - Share Global Allocation Map page
10 - Index Allocation Map page
11 - Page Free Space page
13 - Boot page
15 - File header page
16 - Differential Changed Map page
17 - Bulk Changed Map page


Level at which the page exists in the page organizational structure. The levels are
organized from 0 to N, where 0 is the lowest level of the index and N is the index root

NextPageFID File number where the next page at the index level is located
NextPagePID Page number for the next page at the index level
PrevPageFID File number where the previous page at the index level is located
PrevPagePID Page number for the previous page at the index level

Here is an example for running the command;

DBCC IND (tempdb, 'TestTable', 2)

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